Kenji is now 7 months old (3.5 months corrected).
I originally wanted to updated this blog daily to keep up with Kenji's growth and improventes but who told me that was possible being a mommy and wife? lol At least I tried.
Here's a update since my last post.
As you know, Kenji's broviac was not drawing blood so on Saturday (10/12) we spent our day at Hemby's Children's Hospital. We were there for them to flush Kenji's central line. I was told the would put in a medicine to break up any clots in his line and will probably take up to 2 hours. Well, that would be ok for a normal baby but not Kenji. He can't be off his TPN for long as he doesn't maintain his sugar levels very good. The Dr said they will have to put in a IV to hang plain sugar water for him while his broviac is in use but before they poke him...they will check to make sure his line is not drawing back first. SoOo, they did and it was working again. Good thing they didn't have to poke him or do anything to him but sucks we wasted more than half of our Saturday sitting in our room waiting for this and that. Oh well...better safe than sorry.
Here is a pic of him in his hospital gown.
Sunday was play date for Kenji. Baby Haiden visited us.
And today was another PT day, Kenji showed improvements. He's more stable with head control and tracking. His head shape is starting to even out too. He's sucking his fingers more often now too. And he loves tummy time...when he's not cranky.
Such a sweet face!
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